My Friends, There is More to Life Than Non-Stick Cookware

For almost all of my adult life, I have owned non-stick cookware. I always thought it was essential. If you didn't use the non-stick stuff, you would be at the sink for hours scrubbing your dinner. Well, several years ago, my brother bought me some stainless steel pots that get used almost daily. They still look relatively new and I don't have much of a problem cleaning them either. More recently, My wife and I decided to replace our large non-stick skillet with a stainless steel one. It cooks very good and surprised to learn that it isn't all that bad to clean. As long as you preheat the skillet and clean it good, it isn't a problem. So, I would recommend paying a few extra dollars and getting a good, non-non-stick skillet. It will probably last many years longer than the regular non-stick kind.
Thanks (belated.):DM
I found this so interesting. For some reason I figured that stainless steel would stick so I have always purchased teflon. Today I priced a few at KMart under the brand name of Martha Stewart and found one that is the perfect size. If you have a brand name you recommend let me know and thanks for article.
This is such a great post! I received a set of Farberware pots and pans as an engagement gift almost 30 years ago. I also received a set of brightly colored teflon coated pots and pans at the same time. I opted, at first, to use the non-stick, always believing it would save me time cleaning up. WRONG.
The "pretty" pots died within two years, fading and losing bits of teflon here and there. The Farberware is still in my cupboard and I swear to you, looks and acts like brand new. I've since added to this collection and I wouldn't use anything else ~ ever.
Farberware is the brand that I have also..
"My Friends, There is More to Life Than Non-Stick Cookware"
^^Are you sure.
Yea, usually I just soak the pots in some hot soapy water.
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