
Well it happened again. Like CBS, Newsweek got mud on their face from misreporting that guards at Guantanamo Bay flushed a copy of the Quran down the toilet. This sparked violence in Afghanastan last week. Read their explaination here. Something needs to be done about these news organizations reporting on unnamed sources.
None dare call it treason but I will.
They would have been tried for treason in WWII... "Loose Lips Sink Ships"
I wonder if they will even be held accountable for the mayhem, damage, and death they caused or if their "oops, we goofed" is sufficient.
Maybe the news organizations should take your advice and go to to help verify a story. But then, they are te ones starting the false stories TO BEGIN WITH.
I believe the story was authorized by the administration, but considering all the controversy lately with the media; newsweek said screw it and left it. I'd like to hear more about this high profile person in the whitehouse who confirmed the story in the first place.
If false, I think this is dispicable. A mistake causing significant damage to the US in the middle east and directly causing the deaths of several people.
Can't wait to see Eleanor Clift eat some crow on the Mclaughlin Report this weekend. But probably she'll make up sam lame excuse for Newsweek's shoddy reporting and somehow manage to blame the whole thing on the current administration.
I hated the fact that innocent people had to die because extremist Muslims act directly upon these "reports". Sad....
i think a quran was actually flushed but the govt is putting pressure on newsweek to retract it. i think its crazy that muslims are upset about flushing a book put dont care about people being killed. could we please flush all the qurans....along with all the bibles, books of mormon.....etc. misterpissed...putting the fun and mental back into religious fundamentalism
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