Jane Fonda A.K.A. Hanoi Jane

Jane Fonda appears to be running low on money, and as a result she has written a book. She is making her rounds on all the talk shows, she is also "kinda" apologizing for her actions in Vietnam. She claims to have no regrets about visiting with the North Vietnamese but she does regret sitting in the AA Battery. This worthless excuse for a woman can keep her book as far as I'm concerned.
I am very glad to read that you are giving Jane the right to keep her book to herself. How exceedingly kind of you. Tard.
Wow, she looks kind of hot in that picture.
I still feel she should pay restitution to the families of the service members who died because of her direct actions while they were POWS leading to severe beatings and eventual death. Maybe I'm just judgemental.
Wait, what was it that Fonda did that was so bad? I forgot.
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