Political Correctness

As I was driving down the highway in a construction zone, I saw a sign just like the one above. I realized that I always see the "Mommy" signs, even more so than the "Daddy" signs. I decided to go for a small trip and I counted the signs. The tally was 2 for the Mommy, and one for Daddy. I think this is ridiculous. It's not that I have a problem with women working on road crews, it's the thought that they feel they need plaster these signs everywhere, even though there normally aren't any women working on the project.
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hey ... i love this sign! up here in Canada, we don't see anything like that, eh? *giggle*
thanks for dropping by my blog. yours is very interesting as well! i'm very new to this and still cannot post pictures, but am loving the outlet. every blessing
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog too. You have one good site too, with very informative entries. =)
Outstanding blog. I like your election 2008 one too. Keep up the great work! PC be damned....
Brad, great to see you getting the recognition you deserve on here.
As to the sign, whenever I see an overabundance of signs like that one (though we don't have that here either ~ Connecticut, USA), I'm thinking they're making more of a statement to the public than just offering a caution. Too much is too much of anything!
Nice Blog!
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Nice blog Brad.
I personally have never seen a sign such as the one you post. I don't have a problem with it however. I work for Corrections in California and in this state more Cal-Trans employees are killed in the line of duty each year than Correctional Officers. Anything that may work to get folks to pull their heads out of their behinds on the highway is alright with me.
Also, our local Cal-Trans road crew actually has quite a few ladies on it.
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