
Yet another case of government waste. Every year tons of money gets poured into Amtrack. How much exactly? I don't have a clue. I'm sure it's a bunch. I don't know anyone who even rides it. It may have been a good thing 50 years ago, but I think the time to do away with it is now. Let's privatize it!
I took a field trip in the 3rd grade on an AmTrack. It was awesome! Then again what does a 3rd grader know about the pros and cons of privatization? I know a lot of Mexicans are killed in California and some use the trains as a way to commit suicide.
Yeah let's get rid of it to reduce our tax burden. Lets also get rid of the public school system, the post office, public hospitals, public roads, the military, the police, the fire dept. etc. In fact lets privatize everything and get the government off our backs once and for all. That way rich and powerful can exploit everybody else just like God intended.
There's always at least one smart alec in the group, and he's usually anonymous.
I took a trip this spring, and when deciding on transportation I looked into Amtrak. Taking the train cost as much as it did to fly, but took a day and a half as opposed to four or five hours with the airlines.
I have to agree that making the industry more competitive might be a good idea.
I don't think this system is practical in today's society.
The more things they privatize, the better, as far as I'm concerned! Private companies work hard to bow to the consumers' needs. Government-run entities seem unable to do that. They expect the consumer to adapt to them.
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I heard that some pvt companies (read auto companies) took over railways in 1900s and made sure the train network went real bad. After that automobile sale was on boom and was the only option for short distance travel.
Also that was before there was a thing called comercial flight. My wife just booked a flight round trip to San Francisco from Cincinnati, round trip for under $400. If a person can afford it or would rather stay on the ground, try greyhound.
Well yes, wasteful or not, like all government spending it is special interest spending. Why should those who dont take Amtrack subsidize those who do? Not to get regional or class-based, but its mostly wealthy East Coast businesspeople who take the train. Who probably need less subsidizing than people who live where the train doesnt even go.
I just read an article about Amtrack losing $1 billion a year. Check it out!!!
I took a trip on Amtrack way back in 1999, during my business visit to CA. It was fun.
Good luck & keep writing such awesome content.
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