Drill Away!!!!

This week congress passed legislation that will make it easier for the Bush administration to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge up for drilling for oil. While supporters claim that this is the lions share of oil, and will answer the need to back away from foreign petrolium dependancy, opponents of the issue claim this will have little to no impact on our energy crisis. My guess is that we will end up somewhee in the middle. I would see prices coming down a bit, along with a few choice Texans getting a little bit richer.
So, your true corporate nazi side comes out. HELLO OHIO, THERE IS NO OIL IN ANWR. All that is going to happen is a caribou and elk genocide!!
Just like in Mississippi under Jim Crow. I guess you were hoping that progressive minds for got about that.
Besides caribou, I'm sure there are some endangered mosquitoes that need protection that would prevent the drills from digging.
Americans are in denial! SUV's are what got is in this mess in the first place. If we all drove fuel efficient cars we wouldn't be having to drill oil in Alaska! How long will that oil last for anyway? This isn't about caribou or elk, this isn't about who's getting rich, this about facing the inevitable and preparing for it!
I agree that drilling there isn't the long term cure, but we do need some relief until we get to the point of putting banana peels in our cars to run(like the time machine in back to the future)
The cars they made 25 years ago eat more gas than my suv.Shouldnt that count for something?
People can blame SUV drivers all day long, but the real problem is China firing up all their factories to make Christmas toy for your kids, and clothes you buy at Walmart!
What's the big deal about gas prices? As long as I can afford it, I don't mind paying $2.50 a galon to fill-up my SUV. What I don't get people don't mind paying $4.50 for a gallon of Evian water? Then again, I remember people survived on drinking tap water. Is my SUV to blame for polluting the water supply as well?
How much do you think a bottle of Vicks 44 costs? How much do you think it costs to make it?
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