The FDA has recently approved the VeriChip for medical applications and should start popping up around the country. While I am not going to be in the front of the line to get this implant, I probably won't be the last either. This chip is the size of the point of a ballpoint pen, and is inserted into your arm. With a simple scan, medical personnel will be able to access a 16 digit number, and then retrieve medical information about you. With identity thefts on the rise, this may be a growing possibility in the future. Where will it end? Will all your credit cards and banking items be stored in your arm? Probably. Bring it on.
De puta madre.
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We can all thank BusHitler for this. Does he ever stop?
I am sure Microsoft has the contract that is subbed out to Exxon & Shell for implanting these chimp chips.
Viva Che!!
I'm curious how they could implement such a program nationwide? I currently work on staffing the VA Systems Upgrade (they're attempting to standardize VA Hospitals across the board for medical records, billing, etc) and this project has been at least four years in the works and isn't expected to roll out for quite some time.
It would be great if they could standardize health care like this!
I think it's just a matter of time.
Sounds like a reasonable idea to implant the chip. I've often thought about how they would identify me if I was riding my mountain bike and got hurt badly with no id. on me. The chip would certainly help.
As soon as the chips are in common use someone will figure out a way to abuse the system. That's what humans do.
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