Let him go

This morning I read in the paper that Pat Tillman's parents were making a big stink about how his death was handled. I really don't want to sound insensitive, but to all the world and media-get over it. Don't get me wrong, I am a veteran and feel badly about any soldier killed in action. What bothers me is all the attention paid to Pat Tillman. Just beause he was a football player makes him no more a hero than any other soldier serving in the armed forces. They have Pat Tillman wristbands, memorials, etc. What about the other 2000 people killed the last couple of years?
The whole big stink is he passed up millions to fight for his country.People just couldnt figure that one out...(then ended up dieing and they still couldnt figure it out)
I think he did the right thing. After 9/11 it was cool to be patriotic. The problem is, I think it takes more than putting a flag up to be patriotic. Put on a uniform!!!
true dat.
I agree with the post. Sure, he gave up money and fame, but what about the men and women who had nothing. Who gave up families? My brother is in the armed forces, if something were to happen to him, would he recieve national attention? Probably not, but it doesn't make him less patriotic becuase he could have been rich before he joined in.
Ack. I hate the media just for moments like this. There are families in the military who are on foodstamps and WIC, and yet don't question their lifestyle or service to their country for one minute. I am a former Marine and one life is no more important than the next life. We all wear the same color and bleed the same color.
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