School Levies

More and more schools are going to the people asking for more money. They cite the state has cut funding and cannot afford to operate with the current level of funding. I'm sure this is true, the federal government cuts spending, the state government must cut spending, the company I work for has been making drastic cuts as well. As a result, I get paid less and I have to make cuts in my household. It seems to me the only people that don't seem to be making cuts are the schools. My son came home with a list explaining all the drastic cuts that will be made if new levies will not be passed. I am sure there are many cuts the schools can make and make a difference, before they have to eliminate bussing, libraries, sports, etc.
Sounds like the States have it as rough as Canada. One always thinks it's worse in their own situation until they realize others have the same problems...
By the way, thanks for posting on my Blog!
Jude I think you're on to something!!!!
Paying a Librarian 65,000 per year also adds to the problem. No offense to the librarians, more power to 'em. I just think it is a bit much to pay someone to read books to kids for 9 months of the year.
What an interesting array of subjects you cover here. I'll visit again!
"Life ain't fair"......And that's exactly what the school board members will be thinking when they are voted out of their jobs.
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