Mercury Rising!!

Recently on the evening news, there was a scene of breaking news. They were reporting on a mercury spill, and the aerial view from the news helicopter showed hazmat vehicles, men in white body suits, and an evacuation was underway. I was looking for the trainload of mercury that was spilled, but then they broke the devastating news. A standard mercury-filled thermometer had broken and created a world of hooplah!
Where was this?
Well a mercury spill is nothing new. Mercury spills have been going on for ages, just in a different method of "spillage." Mercury is present in fish, as you know. THey are doing nothing about it. I wonder if people who have suffered from extreme mercury poisoning can sue the EPA for their neglectful attitude?
Cool blog, I will probably add you, once my computer is operating at its usual speed.
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Cool Espanol. I know some Spanish, but I a more fluent in German. Is this a foreign blog?
I always knew it! You just confirmed it.
hey! like your blog too! how'd you find mine- just curious. : )
I go to next blog, and comment on the ones I like.
Cool Blog.
nice blog. :)
Hey thanks for ya comment! My blog is not as cool as urs.. typical everyday life.. haa..
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Yikes? I broke one a few months ago. I just cleaned it up with a piece of paper. Maybe I should have called the fire station!
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