Choose Life Plate

This License plate is drawing a lawsuit by the ACLU, because the pro-abortion activists just can’t stand it! The version in Ohio is obviously promoting adoption, but not this one. I personally am pro-life, but I must question the political undertones on this plate. Should there be “choose abortion” license plates allowed? Not for me, let’s argue about it!
oh gosh. What a conundrum.
I am pro-life for MY body but pro-choice for everyone else. They're the ones who are going to have to stand tall at the end of their life and justify their choices, not me.
I am going to have to admit that there is a part of me that gets very excited when someone pisses of the ACLU (can't stand 'em). However, that liscence plate really is going to create a broohaha because of the sensitivity of the issue.
Personally, I like the plate because it's ambiguous enough to stand for anything from anti-abortion, support adoption, stopping child abuse, etc... (you can even tie in Support Life... Recycle! if you were stretching it).
I vote for keeping the plate.
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I have no problem with freedom of speech and wouldn't mind this as a bumper sticker. If it is being produced by the government, i am going to have to condemn it. Goverment should have no role in creating propoganda or giving into such things.
I mean would it be ok for the gov't to print a plate with a white supremacy cross on it?!...i sure as hell hope not!
There are better ways to promote this...
I live in FloriDUH so therefore I am qualified to comment about this.
1. The plate IS a statement for "pro-life". Like the other side is "pro-death".
2. Most of the good right wing "pro-life" people also support capital punishment - go figure.
3. The pro-choice side is not trying to force their will on anybody, the pro-life side is. By this I mean the pro-choice side does not demand everyone have an abortion, just that the option should be available. On the other side, they are saying nobody should do it.
4. Before abortion was legal, the wealthy would send their slutty daughters off to Europe to have secret abortions, under the cover of a family ski trip to Zurich or whatever. So it will be again.
I do not have any special plate. I am too cheap to pay the extra fee. Most plates are for some wildlife fund, or to support a college or sports team or whatever. But will the State approve a Planned Parenthood plate? NO.
I couldn't agree more!
"The pro-choice side is not trying to force their will on anybody, the pro-life side is. By this I mean the pro-choice side does not demand everyone have an abortion, just that the option should be available. On the other side, they are saying nobody should do it."
Keep your beliefs, and your plates, off my body.
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